Chimney and Fireplace Repairs and Rebuilds

Whether your chimney and fireplace were built with your home when it was constructed in the last century or last year, it will only stand the test of time. It will only keep standing strong if it is properly maintained, safeguarded, and repaired when necessary. At...

3 Most Common Causes for Chimney Leaks

During the off-season, it is quite common for homeowners to notice chimney leaks. During the winter, the fireplace and chimney are used daily, but it is often overlooked unless there is a problem. Since many signs of a leaky chimney are quite subtle, homeowners may...

Proud Partners with Regency & Real Fyre

The off-season is the best time for fireplace installations, upgrades, repairs, and construction, as any fireplace work requires it to be off. This means you would need to discontinue use of your fireplace or stove for at least 24 hours before. This can cause some...